Hugh Benzing
Hugh Benzing
618 W Yakima Ave
Irving, TX 75062
Mallory Hauptman
Mallory Hauptman
2 Cedar Ave
Easton, MD 21601
Allan Bortle
Allan Bortle
1 State Route 27
Taylor, MI 48180
Nelson Washington
Nelson Washington
1048 Main St
Fairbanks, AK 99708
Lance Dumais
Lance Dumais
3273 State St
Middlesex, NJ 8846
Max Gazda
Max Gazda
90991 Thorburn Ave
New York, NY 10011
Spinning loader

Trombinoscope Contacts

Joomla 4 Joomla 5 free module
Download Trombinoscope Contacts Joomla Extensions Directory
Trombinoscope Contacts
Trombinoscope Contacts

Formally Trombinoscope

Shows a list of standard Joomla contacts in a grid-like fashion.


  • show contacts from categories, sub-categories,
  • show a specific contact, related contacts (through keywords or tags) or yet contacts related to ANY content (through tags),
  • show the contact information of the logged user,
  • choose portrait or landscape layouts (picture on top or on the side of the contact information),
  • set size restrictions and the cards will automatically fit responsive pages,
  • format the name, order contacts in multiple ways,
  • show detailed contact information with labels or icons,
  • set access levels so that the information shown targets specific user groups,
  • format address information and link it with Google map,
  • open the contact in a Joomla standard view or in a popup,
  • add hover effects on the picture,
  • let the module crop, resize and filter contact pictures,
  • create high resolution thumbnails for crisp display on high pixel ratio screens (like Retina displays),
  • animate the grid of cards with a built-in carousel,
  • choose the proper look for your cards by selecting one of the available themes,
  • fine tune the theme with a multitude of options and CSS,
  • download more themes as they become available,
  • cache the settings and remove whitespaces from the HTML output once the module instances are ready for primetime to speed server performance and page loading.