Show your latest, featured, popular, future (even pending), related or random article snippets in a consistent professional fashion.
- multiple ways to select news articles (standard Joomla! or K2): by categories, by tags, by author, ...,
- exclude/include specific articles,
- show related items (through keywords or tags matching),
- configure items with images from the article or calendar,
- link to articles from the title and/or 'read more' links (in full page or popup),
- style items from a responsive-ready design,
- use a minimum width to limit how small an item can be when resized,
- crop and resize the pictures to fit the configuration (thumbnails can be stored in /images),
- style images with hover effects,
- limit the into text to be shown,
- add detailed information (author, hits, ratings, categories, date, time, keywords),
- format dates and times,
- add pagination,
- style buttons and pagination with Bootstrap,
- enjoy a clean, easy to understand user interface,
- cache the created on-the-fly stylesheets and scripts for faster loading...